Show Season Check List: For the Rider
Every year, beginners and experienced riders alike all come into the shop with the same basic goal: to get show clothing. Some people need head to toe outfitting. Others just a new shirt or pants. Whatever you need and at whatever level you ride- here is list of all of the major essential items you should have for the show. Things to remember: show attire doesn't necessarily have to be the most expensive, but it does need to fit properly and be clean and presentable. Also remember- there are no dumb questions! Show clothing and accessories change each and every year... it gets confusing! If you have show clothing now that you aren't sure fits or not, just bring it in for us to look at. We won't try to sell you something you don't need!
Show Attire Check List
Children (up to age 11)
★ helmet that is appropriate for level of shows you will attend
★ show shirt(s)
★ show coat(s)
★ jodphurs
★ garter straps to match paddock boots
★ paddock boots
★ ribbons or bows for braids (optional for some, ask your trainer)
Adults (age 12 and over)
★ helmet that is appropriate for the level of shows you will attend
★ show shirt(s)
★ show coat(s)
★ breeches
★ tall boots
★ hair nets
IMPORTANT: if your child looks older than 11 or is simply too tall for
children’s attire, you may have to purchase tall boots, breeches, and
helmet to fit with hair underneath.
ALL riders should always have
★ gloves
★ belt
★ boot polish
★ saddle pad(s) appropriate for type of show they will attend
Suggested items, but not always necessities:
★ gear bags such as helmet, garment, and boot bags to protect show
★ crop or bat in black
★ spurs
★ bobbie pins or hair spray
★ safety pins and extra number strings
Extras your trainer may want you to have: